If you are seeking an SBA 7(a) loan, I can assist you in obtaining an SBA loan by putting you in touch with a lender that specializes in lending within your specific industry for acquisitions, recapitalizations and working capital loans.
This is a FREE SERVICE which I offer to borrowers because I work very closely with many large and small SBA lenders whom offer both SBA and conventional loans throughout the United States. I offer this service to business owners and borrowers throughout the entire United States.
Attempting to identify this lender yourself can oftentimes result in many hours and days of wasted time, frustration and rejection, since most banks and lenders do not lend into all industries but instead specialize in only certain industries and these industries vary greatly from one bank to another. As a business valuation professional providing SBA loan business appraisals to banks for SBA lending, I work very closely with many banks and other commercial lenders so I know exactly which industries into which they lend and their particular required lending parameters; which enables me to connect you directly with the very best-fit lender for your particular needs.
To put you in touch with the best-fit lender for you, please email me at [email protected] and I will provide you with the best-fit lender for you; including their complete contact information.
I will need the below basic information in order to connect you with the perfect-fit lender. It is very important that the below information pertain to your existing business; if you are seeking a loan for your existing business. If the business loan is for a business that you desire to acquire, then the below information should pertain to the business that you intend to buy.